Build a better budget. The decisions you make impact your financial well-being.

We have included some resources below that can help you make informed financial decisions. These resources will provide you with information about Budgets, Loan Repayment, Good Credit, Personal Finance Terms, and more! ​Remember: the decisions you make impact your financial well-being.
Federal Financial Literacy Information:
Other resources:
Tools and calculators:
Money Management International – Monthly Budget Calculator
Want help with your budget? Money Management International offers a free counseling session.
Want to practice building a budget with the fun spinner below? Check out the Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) Budget Worksheet that was used as an activity during their Financial Literacy Month events in April 2018!
INSTRUCTIONS: Use this worksheet to prepare an annual budget. The budget should be based off of the entry-level salary for a career listed on the back of this worksheet. Common expense categories are included on the worksheet. If you need help estimating amounts for a category, we do have average expense amounts for insurance, utilities, housing, and cell phones bills listed on the back of the worksheet. Some categories may not apply to you. Try to budget to $0. Use the “Amount” column for your initial budget.
After building your original budget, "spin" three times - life may happen, life may help, or life may do a little bit of both. Use your results from the spinner to adjust your Budget Worksheet amounts. Use the "Revised" column on your worksheet to accommodate any changes. If you would like more information about your Life Happens or Life Helps result(s), please review our Life Happens, Life Helps "cards."